About Us
『Tokyo Rainbow Week 2014』は、現在、日本の人口の約5.2%存在するとされるLGBTを中心としたセクシュアル・マイノリティの人たちが、より自分らしく前向きに暮らしていくことのできる社会をみんなで応援し、サポートする週間です。
4 月26日(土)~ 5 月6 日(火祝)のゴールデンウィーク11 日間に、LGBT に関連した様々なジャンルで活動するNPO・団体・ネットワークが、自治体・企業・メディア等と連携しながら、気軽に参加できるものからちょっと深く学べるものまで、多岐にわたってイベントや企画を運営していきます。
“Making Golden Week of 2014 a Rainbow Week!”
●”Tokyo Rainbow Week 2014” is a week dedicated to supporting Japan’s sexual minority community concentrated around LGBT, reported as approximately 5.2 of Japanese population, in creating a friendly and accepting society where anybody can be themselves and lead a life of happiness and optimism
●Golden Week: 11 days from April 26 (Saturday) to May 6 (Tuesday / National Holiday)
Various events from step in participation to in-depth knowledge sharing scheduled to be hosted through partnering with a broad range of NPOs, networks, organizations, groups, corporations, the media, etc.
『Tokyo Rainbow Week 2014』は、下記の7団体により「東京レインボーウィーク実行委員会」を組織し、ウィーク全体を企画運営しています。また、期間中に開催されるイベントや企画は、大きく分けて、下記の2種類にて構成されています。
主催イベント/ 企画
個別イベント/ 企画
”Tokyo Rainbow Week 2014” is run by the below 7 organizations as the “Tokyo Rainbow Week Operating Commit tee “carrying out and planning activities throughout the entire week. The week’s activities are mainly divided into the following 2 types:
Host event/plan
Events organized by the Tokyo Rainbow Week Operating Committee
Individual event/plan
Events organized by the below 7 organizations and various other groups
Organizing Members

杉山文野(すぎやま ふみの)/ トランスジェンダー
NPO法人 ハートをつなごう学校 代表
Fumino Sugiyama / Transgender
NPO Heart wo Tsunago Gakko
Born in Shinjuku, Tokyo in 1981, Fumino represented the Japan women’s fencing team. Upon completion of Waseda University’s Graduate Program researching sexuality, Fumino published “Double Happiness” with Kodansha through his research and linking it with his own sexuality, “Double Happiness” was also translated into Korean and converted into a comic book gaining popularity from various channels. Upon graduation, Fumino spent 2 years as a backpacker travelling to more than 50 countries including the South Pole, first hand experiencing various social issues. After returning to Japan, Fumino worked at a major corporation for 3 years and now has his own restaurant/bar while lecturing at NHK and various other venues and programs nationwide.
増原裕子(ますはら ひろこ)/ レズビアン
NPO法人 虹色ダイバーシティ
Hiroko Masubara / Lesbian
NPO Nijiiro Diversity
Born in Yokohama, Kanagawa in 1977 and a graduate of Keio University’s School of Law. Currently working at an educational IT firm while engaged in LGBT support activities. Hiroko uses her being out at work experience to support Nijiiro Diversity in lectures and trainings. Hiroko hopes to create a society where LGBT individuals can feel safe to live and work freely and comfortably.
松中権(まつなか ごん)/ ゲイ
NPO法人 グッド・エイジング・エールズ 代表
Gon Matsunaga / Gay
NPO Good Aging Yells
Born in Kanazawa, Ishikawa in 1976 and upon graduating from Hitotsubashi University’s School of Law, Gon joined a major advertising agency. Through working abroad and helping with NGOs in New York, Gon started Good Aging Yells in 2010 with his friends in aiming to create a better society where LGBT individuals can age and spend their silver years happily through a broad range of act ivies.
NPO法人 ハートをつなごう学校
NPO Heart wo Tsunago Gakko (Youth)
NGO (undergoing registration) supporting LGBT youth. From providing actual living examples of the presence of openly LGBT friends in the community to help individuals not yet comfortable with their sexuality in providing a place where they can discuss and seek advice or any mental support in general and a place for finding role models through the NGO’s website, workshops, events, cooperating with the local community, visits to schools, institutions, public and government organizations, corporations, etc.
NPO法人 虹色ダイバーシティ
NPO Nijiiro Diversity
Nijiiro Diversity was established to facilitate the creation of a LGBT friendly working environment where they can thrive and excel to their most potential. This mission is carried out through the provision of corporate consulting services, lectures at various corporations and events, etc. “Nijiiro” is the Japanese word for rainbow, the symbol of diversity. The group’s mission is to transform Corporate Japan and Japanese companies to be inclusive of LGBT to create a win-win situation, for both the LGBT community and on efficiency and the well-being of talent in the market.
本映画祭は、1992年より毎年開催され、今年で第22回目を迎える、セクシュアル・マイノリティをテーマとした歴史あるイベントです。観客動員数はのべ10万人を超え、アジア最大規模を誇ります。ドキュメンタリーから劇映画、そしてミュージカル映画まで、あらゆるジャンルの作品を世界中から幅広くセレクションしてきました。近年はLGBTアーティストの作品を集めたアート展「LGBT ART 2012」を開催するなど、新しい試みも始めています。スタッフは社会人から学生まで全てボランティアで運営しています。
Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival
With a rich history while reaching its 22nd screening this year, this sexual minority themed film festival has been hosted annually since its debut in 1992. Over 100,000 people have been part of the audience making it one of Asia’s largest events. Documentaries, plays, musicals, main-stream style films various other firms across a wide range of genres are screened. Recently, the film festival has also hosted “LGBT ART 2012” exhibiting masterpieces by LGBT artists, coming up with other new activities. The staff comprises a wide range of volunteers from students to the working community alike.
NPO法人 グッド・エイジング・エールズ
NPO Good Aging Yells
Aimed at supporting LGBT individuals to be themselves and enjoy living the way the are in creating a better society. Core members of this NGO is comprised of working professionals who frequently gather in organizing workshops and projects around this goal. “Colorful Café” has been successfully run by this NGO for two straight, an LGBT friendly themed café in Hayama, Kanagawa run throughout summer – attracting more than 1,300 customers to provide them with a place to relax and enjoy the summer without having to worry about sexuality, age and racial differences.
NPO法人 ReBit(大学生)
Re: Bitは、LGBT問題を切り口として”互いの違いを受け入れあえる社会”を次世代に創出することを目指す学生団体です。団体名には『少しずつ』を『何度でも』繰り返すことにより、少しでも社会が前進してほしいとの願いが込められています。セクシュアルマジョリティとセクシュアルマイノリティが共に双方の視点や発言を重視し活動しています。
NPO ReBit (University Students)
Re: Bit is a student group aimed at starting the conversation with LGBT in creating a society where one another’s differences are accepted. The group’s name comes from the word “A bit” with “Re” as reoccurring in continuously striving to bring change for the better. Its act ivies are centered around mutually understanding and promoting dialogue between the sexual majority and the sexual minority.
http://www.tokyorainbowpride. com
2011年5月、東京でプライドパレードを継続的に開催、発展することを主目的に設立。中期的ビジョンとしてアジア最大級となる5万人規模のパレードを目標に掲げる。Sustainable parade model(低コスト低負荷で実現できる持続可能なパレードモデルを模索する)、Embrace the idea of “Diversity”(多様性を讃える全ての人を歓迎する)、There is no dance, there is no revolution(最高のパーティーを提供する)に行動規範を置き、「多様な個性・生き方を讃える祭としてのパレード」を通して誰もがより生きやすい社会の実現へ向けて活動しています。
Tokyo Rainbow Pride
Tokyo Rainbow Pride was established in 2011 to continuously host, maintain and develop the Pride Parade in Tokyo., Its intermediate goal is to one of Asia’s largest Pride Parade with a scale of over 50,000 people around the concept of “Sustainable parade model” (low cost/burden that can be realistically achieved), “Embrace the idea of “Diversity”, and “There is no dance, there is no revolution” (party for celebrating) for a parade embracing diverse individual and life style differences in creating better society where everybody can be accepted regardless of their differences.
NPO法人 ピアフレンズ(若年層ケア)
レズビアン・ゲイ・バイセクシュアルなどのユースに向けて友達づくりを支援するイベント「ピアフレンズ」を2002年から運営。孤立しがちな若者が、安心して様々なセクシュアリティの仲間をつくれるよう活動しています。①昼間 ②お酒抜き ③公共の場所、をキーワードに年6回以上開催するイベントには、延べ3000人以上が参加しています。取り組みは内閣府の「子ども・若者ビジョン」、NHK教育テレビ「ハートをつなごう」などでも紹介されました。
NPO Peer Friends (Teen/Youth)
Aimed at providing a place where lesbian, gay and bisexual youth can come together to become friends with though “Peer Friends” a event held frequently since 2002. This is to support teens and youth – an age where many struggle to feel comfortable around one’s sexuality and make friends facing similar experiences. “Peer Friends” is organized more than 6 times annually based on 3 keywords – daytime, dry (no alcohol) and at a public venue, attracting over 3,000 participants. This event has also been featured on the Japanese Prime Minister’s Office hosted “Kodomo/Wakamono Vision” show on youth and the NHK educational show “Heart wo Tsunago”.
Tokyo Rainbow Weekが目指すもの
先日から配布を開始しております、東京レインボーウィーク2014公式ガイドブック「WHO? Magaz…